The app is providing a dashboard to see the actual statistics on spendings. An example dashboard is below:
This view is available for user that has at least one role in the app and is available from Jira top menu Apps → Raley Procurement and Quotation link or from JSM portal when you click on
Purchase Orders Home button as shown below:
The dashboard consist of a filter where you indicate the begin and end date and several widgets which contain charts. Following is the description of widgets:
For Company Admin and Finance role aggregates all purchase orders created during the given date range for the company. For Team Members - Purchase orders created by particular team member and for Approvers all purchase orders created during the given date range where the current user is among order approver(s).
The total value is the sum of purchase orders gross amount. The "Approved" is the sum of purchase orders in status Approved or Paid. The "Pending" is the sum of purchase orders in status "Sent for approval".
Shows the breakdown of orders by significant statuses. For Company Admin and Finance aggregates all purchase orders created during the given date range for the company.
For Team Members - Purchase orders created by particular team member and for Approvers all purchase orders created during the given date range where the current user is among order approver(s).
Shows number of purchase orders in specific status. The number is clickable - on click you'll be navigated to the issues list view in Jira that match the given status.
For Company Admin and Finance aggregates all purchase orders created during the given date range for the company.
For Team Members - Purchase orders created by particular team member and for Approvers all purchase orders created during the given date range where the current user is among order approver(s).
Shows list of latest JSM tickets representing purchase orders. This section works exactly as Jira dashboard widget for purchase orders
Shows the percentage and amounts of order delivery. The % is calculated as sum(deliveries)/sum(gross amount) for the given range of purchase orders.
For Company Admin and Finance aggregates all purchase orders created during the given date range for the company.
For Team Members - Purchase orders created by particular team member and for Approvers all purchase orders created during the given date range where the current user is among order approver(s).
Shows amounts spent by each department. Aggregation works by orders issued on the names of departments and having statuses Approved or Paid
For CompanyAdmin and Finance: aggregates all departments in the company
For TeamMember: those departments to which the user is connected
For Approver: those departments where user is connected as department approver or budget approver
Shows % of money spent per budget. The purchase order is considered spent when its status is Approved or Paid.
For Company Admin/ Finance: show all budgets
For TeamMember - budgets referred via purchase orders created by this user
For Approver - budgets where the user is referred as budget approver