Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 10 users.

Raley PO exposes HTTP REST endpoints which you can use to facilitate B2B integration with your own system(s).


The authorization is implemented via HTTP header "Authorization". Every time you execute a method call on our API you have to provide a valid value in this header. 

To get the value of Authorization header, navigate to Raley Apps configuration page and then click on API & Integrations tab. Then copy the value from API Key and use in in your application(s) to retrieve and modify data in Raley PO.

You can always regenerate the Auhtorization header, however, make sure that you've updated your systems which are making use of it.

Available APIs

The following table lists available REST API methods that a third party service can invoke. URL's must start with and end with the URL suffix as indicated in the table below

MethodURL suffixDescripctionExample Response
Returns list of suppliers configured for given installation of Raley PO. Archived suppliers are not returned

"id": 291,
"name": "Test supplier",
"phone": "555 5555",
"email": "",
"address": "Address of supplier",
"notes": "",
"paymentDetails": "DE72392732643627",
"taxNo": "DE8473273",
"contact": "",
"terms": "NET30",
"archived": false

Returns list of taxes configured for given installation of Raley PO. Archived taxes are not returned

"id": 120,
"name": "Default tax",
"value": "20.0",
"isDefault": true,
"archived": false,
"companyId": 217


Finds and returns list of product that match by given SKU identifier SKU_VALUE. Both, active and archived products can be returned.

This methods returns HTTP 404 if no products are found. 

   "id": 1413,
   "sku": "abc",
   "description": "Mazutka",
   "unitPrice": 5323.0,
   "supplierId": 291,
   "taxRate": {
   "id": 120,
   "name": "Default tax",
   "value": "20.0",
   "isDefault": true,
   "archived": false,
   "companyId": 217
 "active": true,
 "approved": true,
 "productApprovalType": null


Creates a product with given parameters passed as JSON array. 

sku - business identifier used to identify products in your system

unitPrice - product price including applicable taxRate

supplierId - id of supplier that offers this product

taxRate - object containing an "id" field which corresponds to applicable tax rate

active - whether the product should be active or archived

approved - true when you're not using product approval process. Otherwise false.

productApprovalType - null if you're not using the product approval process, otherwise a JSON object with mandatory "id" field which corresponds to the product approval type ID.

On successful invocation, the method will return newly created product data in JSON format.

"description": "This is a brand new product that we add to Raley",
"unitPrice": 199.99,
"supplierId": 291,
"taxRate": {
"id": 120
"active": true,
"approved": true,
"productApprovalType": null


Updates a product with given id to the values set in product fields. 

If the product specified by id is not found then this method will return HTTP 404

The semantic of he fields is the same as in create-product method.

On successful invocation, the method will return updated product data in JSON format

"id": 1733,
"description": "This is a brand new product that we add to Raley 22",
"unitPrice": 199.99,
"supplierId": 291,
"taxRate": {
"id": 120
"active": true,
"approved": true,
"productApprovalType": null


Creates a supplier with specified fields. On successful invocation this method return created supplier in JSON format

"name": "My supplier",
"phone": "555 55 55",
"email": "",
"address": "My supplier's address",
"notes": "Any notes you want about this supplier",
"paymentDetails": "NET30",
"taxNo": "885732345838",
"contact": "Jack Rabbit",
"terms": "Any terms you deem important here"



Updates supplier with specified fields.

 If the supplier specified by id was not found then this method returns HTTP 404

On successful invocation this method return updated supplier in JSON format

"id": 1386,
"name": "My supplier A",
"phone": "555 55 55",
"email": "",
"address": "My supplier's address",
"notes": "Any notes you want about this supplier",
"paymentDetails": "NET30",
"taxNo": "885732345838",
"contact": "Jack Rabbit",
"terms": "Any terms you deem important here"



Retrieves a purchase order identifiable by Jira key MY_ISSUE_KEY.

If purchase order is not found, this method returns HTTP 404

"id": 2317,
"netAmount": 4422.0000000,
"taxAmount": 442.2000000,
"grossAmount": 4864.2000000,
"grossAmountWithDiscount": 4864.2000000,
"customPONumber": null,
"supplierId": 120,
"status": {
"id": 9228,
"jiraStatusId": 10123,
"jiraStatusName": "PO Approved",
"statusType": 2,
"selected": null
"line": [
"id": 4096,
"product": {
"id": 2237,
"description": "New parker pen",
"unitPrice": 4422.0,
"approved": false,
"productApprovalType": {
"id": 52,
"name": "New emergency fix approval",
"approver": null
"budget": {
"id": 16,
"name": "Marketing budget",
"total": 150000.0,
"pending": 0.0,
"approved": null,
"paid": null,
"remaining": null,
"startDate": 1608854400,
"endDate": 1640304000,
"favourite": true,
"autoApproving": false
"unitPrice": 4422.0000000,
"quantity": 1.0,
"total": 4864.2000000,
"taxRate": {
"id": 12,
"name": "VAT ",
"value": "10.0",
"isDefault": true,
"archived": false,
"companyId": 19
"supplierId": null,
"issueKey": null,
"status": null,
"customFields": [
"id": 9,
"fieldName": "GL Code",
"required": true,
"showInPoView": true,
"code": 1,
"value": "GLLLL",
"options": null,
"orderNr": 1
"id": 10,
"fieldName": "Part number",
"required": false,
"showInPoView": true,
"code": 2,
"value": "partno",
"options": {
"options": [
"key": "a",
"value": "Option A"
"key": "b",
"value": "Option B"
"key": "c",
"value": "Option C"
"orderNr": 1
"id": 11,
"fieldName": "URL link",
"required": false,
"showInPoView": true,
"code": 3,
"value": "",
"options": null,
"orderNr": 1
"orderNr": 0
"department": {
"id": 41,
"name": "Construction Dep",
"contactPerson": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"address": "",
"taxNo": "",
"companyId": 19,
"isArchived": false,
"employee": null,
"approvers": null
"pricePrecision": null,
"discountName": null,
"discount": null,
"contactPerson": "Me myself",
"address": "My address"