Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 10 users.

Budgets represent "money pots". To view and modify budget data you need to have a FINANCE role. You can read more about user roles in Raley Purchase Orders here

Navigate to a Jira Core project that your team is using for Purchase Orders management and in the left pane click on Purchase Orders - Budgets and Suppliers link

You'll be presented with the screen that shows Budgets and Suppliers configured for your company. Budgets tab will be chosen by default:

Make sure that you're working with Active Budgets, so that your changes will be immediately reflected to users. 

Budgets list consists of a table with several columns. The following table describes their business meaning.

Budget nameA human-friendly name assigned the budget. Try being descriptive and clear
TotalThe total size of the budget expressed in default currency
RequestedGross Sum of all purchase order lines connected with this budget across all purchase orders which are in status Submitted for approval.  
ApprovedGross sum of all purchase order lines connected with this budget across all purchase orders which are in status Order Approved
PaidGross sum of all purchase order lines connected with this budget across all purchase orders which are in status Order Paid
Remaining= Total - Requested - Approved - Paid

If the budget is allowed for users in specific department(s) only, then this column will show those departments - one per line. If the budget

is meant for company-wide use then system will show "All"

Auto approving

Whether the expenditures from this budget are automatically approved or have to be manually approved by respective approver

ArchiveClicking on Archive button will mark the budget as archived and it will not be visible in budgets list anymore when adding a new Purchase order line

Budget details screen

Clicking on "Add new budget" or on budget name link in the list of the budges will present you with a popup screen where you can add or modify budget data. Follows an example of a budget configuration:

NameA human-friendly name assigned the budget. Try being descriptive and clear
TotalThe total size of the budget expressed in default currency
Cost codeA code that you may use to facilitate grouping of costs. Not used at the moment
Cost typeNot used at the moment
Start dateStarting date of validity for this budget (Including)
End dateEnding date of validity for this budget (Including)

Departments of your company, if any, to which this budget is applicable to. If you don't specify

any budget then it is assumed that the budget is applicable in all departments of your company.

Auto approving

When this option is checked it means that expenditures from this budget are not subject to approval by a budget approver, i.e. the expenditures referring this budget will be approved automatically.

In the purchase order line view when such a budget is picked, the Approvals section below will not show any approvers for this budget


One person in role APPROVER that is responsible for approving Purchase Orders which contain purchase order lines referencing

this budget.

ApprovedGross sum of all purchase order lines connected with this budget across all purchase orders which are in status Order Approved
PaidGross sum of all purchase order lines connected with this budget across all purchase orders which are in status Order Paid
Remaining= Total - Requested - Approved - Paid