Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 10 users.

In addition to budget-specific approvers you can also require that purchase requests from specific departments would need a Department-specific approvers. You can see your budget-specific approvers on the list of departments:

In the example above, a user called PO Finance will be added as approver to any purchase order created in Construction department.

The idea behind department-specific approvers is that very often you want that a purchase requests from a particular department would be reviewed not only by Budget owners, but also by a third-party who 

can be a Legal reviewer, Security reviewer, Compliance reviewer or anything like that.

When a purchase request is created and sent for approval, the Raley PO will check if the department for which this PO was created has any Department Approvers. If so, all of them will be added to

the list of current purchase order approvers. If Department Approver was already there as a Budget approver, then it will not be added twice.

The rest of the logic is the same as with regular budget-approvals. The purchase request will be deemed approved if all approvers (budget and department) will give their YES vote. If one of the approvers reject the 

purchase request then it will become immediately Rejected.