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IntakeForms rules are used to bring dynamic behavior to the forms.

There are the following rules available:

  • To show/hide the fields
  • To apply CSS rules and styling on the fields
  • To set values on the fields based on the selection or values in other fields
  • Validating the form state before submitting 

There 2 types of rules in Raley Intake Forms

  • Form Rules
  • Field Rules

Form rules are executed on a form load. Rules are executed / applied (in most cases) on the back-end, when the form is about to render. Which means - the form is loaded and is shown to the user with the already applied rules. 

Field rules, in contrast, are dynamically loaded and, in most cases, have the condition when they should be loaded and applied.

Field rules are executed when a field value changes, so a user action is needed (alternatively, the value could be changed/set by another field rule).