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Each field in Raley IntakeForms can be set as mandatory, in which case the add-on will verify the field has the value set. Some fields are set as mandatory fields in JIRA, and therefore are mandatory in IntakeForms.

Additionally to verifying required fields a form can be set to be validated using custom rules, where you can ensure the form's data entered by the user is valid and makes sense.

This is accomplished using "Field Rules" or "Form Rules" with action set to "Custom Validation".  See more about the Difference between Form rules and Field rules. Shortly, in the context of "Custom Validation", the field rule is fired when the field value changes and form rule is executed when the form is submitted.

The dialog to add a validation rule looks like this:

Which interprets like this - When a form matches the condition give the message will be shown (meaning that the error has occurred)


Imagine the following use case - we want to make sure the "description field is set" when the "priority" field is Highest or High (in our case these choices have values 1(Highest) or 2(High))

We will add a form rule with "Custom Validation" action

Here is a screenshot to illustrate this:

This validation rule will be executed when priority is smaller (in values) than 3 and when description field has no value. See more about the syntax and operators which can be used in "condition" parameter: Raley Intake Forms Filters - JIFF

A form (or field) can have multiple validation rules. Rules are executed sequentially, in the same order as you have specified them in the form designer. All rules are executed (does not stop on first failure)

To illustrate the validation rule in action please have a look at the screenshot below

Thanks for your interest!