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Raley PO reports are available from the project sidebar of Jira project that is currently configured as active Purchase Orders project. This link and report data is available to any user of your Jira.

Reporting allows you to search for purchase orders in currently configured Jira project. You can search by:

Search fieldMeaning
RequestorsTeam member(s) who created the purchase order
StatusCurrent status Jira ticket related to Purchase Order
ApproverApprover who was assigned to vote with specific PO 
SupplierPO belonging to specific supplier
BudgetPO that has at least one order line for chosen budget
DepartmentPO belonging to specific department

The following data is output

Jiralink to Jira ticket representing a PO
RequestorA Team member who created this PO
CreatedDate when this PO was created
ApproverUser(s) who are marked as approvers for this PO
BudgetComma-separated list of Budgets referred by this PO order lines
Gross amountTotal gross amount of this PO
SupplierSupplier of PO
StatusCurrent Jira status of this PO
DepartmentDepartment of PO
JIRA_FIELD (0...N)Jira field(s) as specified in combo-box Additional Jira fields from Jira ticket corresponding to given PO. Fields are separated by semicolon
DescriptionOrder line description 
QuantityOrder line quantity 
Net amountOrder line net amount 
Gross amountOrder line gross amount 

In the table above fields that are indicated by orange color are output if Include Order Lines combo is set to YES and Format combo value is set to CSV.

If you don't include order lines, then every PO will be shown on 1 line in resulting CSV file. Otherwise, every PO will be output on N consecutive lines where N is the number of order lines in given PO. All the fields Jira ... JIRA_FIELD will stay the same and

the Description ... Gross amount will be as indicated in corresponding PO lines. Keep this in mind when doing your Excel kung-fu (smile)