Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


path to your company logo as added on Company tab
Purchase order number
The date when this PDF was generated in format 
${order}Purchase order object
${order.jiraIssueKey}Issue key of the purchase order
${order.netAmount}order net amount as java.math.BigDecimal 
${order.taxAmount}order tax amount as java.math.BigDecimal 
${order.grossAmount}order gross amount as java.math.BigDecimal
${order.supplier}Purchase order supplier object
${order.supplier.PROPERTY}The following properties are available in order.supplier: id, name, phone, email, address, notes, paymentDetails, taxNo, contact, terms
${order.department}Purchase order department object
${order.department.PROPERTY}The following properties are available in order.department: id, name, contactPerson, phone, email, address, taxNo
${order.purchaseOrderLine}java.util.List of objects. Every object is representing a separate purchase order line 
${purchaseOrderLine.unitPrice}order line unit price as java.math.BigDecimal
${purchaseOrderLine.quantity}order line quantity as java.math.BigDecimal
${}line total as java.math.BigDecimal

tax rate that applies for this purchase order line. You can access these properties:

  • name - represents tax name
  • value - tax rate value as java.lang.Double

product referenced in this order line. You can access these properties:

  • sku - SKU identifier
  • description - Name of the product
  • unitPrice - price of the product unit as java.lang.Double. This is the default price taken from products registry and it may differ from the ${purchaseOrderLine.unitPrice} value
  • id - internal identifier of the product

Name of the discount as used in this purchase order


value of discount as java.math.BigDecimal

${companyAddress}Company address as specified in Company tab
${currencyCode}3-letter currency code as specified for your company

How many decimals should be used when rendering amounts. By default, 2. If you need a different precision, then 

contact us via helpdesk


User's displayName who created this purchase request ticket in Jira


Comma-separated list of users' displayNames who are approvers of this purchase order


Issue description field


Rich text issue description. Please note, that you'll need to use th:utext attribute to properly render it. For example:

<div th:utext="'Notes ' + ${notesHTML}" style="width: 100%; border: solid 1px gray;"></div>


Convenience field. If user has specified a custom contact person name for this purchase order then it will contain the specified value. Otherwise, it will contain the value of Contact person from Department to which this PO belongs.


Convenience field. If user has specified a custom address for this purchase order then it will contain the specified value. Otherwise, it will contain the value of Address from Department that owns this PO.
