Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 10 users.

Required role: Finance

Suppliers are companies or individuals who are selling products and services to your organization. Navigate to your Jira project configured for PO and click on Project Settings. 

Configure a new supplier by clicking on "Add new supplier" button. The only mandatory field is Name

After saving the supplier you can configure Products that this supplier is offering, by clicking on "Products" link in the list of suppliers as shown below:

The new screen will show you all the products configured for given supplier. 

To add new products click on Add new product button and provide the data about the product. The only mandatory field is Description. This is made with purpose, so that you can save products' data partially and come back and update them when you have more details available. The following table summarizes data about product:

DescriptionA human-friendly name that you use to describe a product or service
SKUStock Keeping Unit - identifier used for inventory
Unit Price (XXX)Price of a product/service unit in XXX currency. This price includes selected tax rate
Tax rateTax rate that applies to this product/service
ActiveWhether this product is actively used or archived

Alternatively, you can use importing from a CSV file to add many products at once. Follow this article for guidance