Invalid license: Your Refined is only licensed for 10 users.

Besides fields from $issue object you can also refer several other variables from $context. They are convenience variables and are available in every notification by default

This table shows what you can get from $context



Current day - evaluated when template is executed



Yesterday - evaluated when template is executed



7 days ago - evaluated when template is executed



Timezone as defined in your JIRA instance



beginning of previous hour in format



$context.last_runDate when the scheduled messaging was last run. Applicable to digested notifications only

2016-10-07 08:01


Username of user retrieved when template is being evaluated


Atlassian ID of the current user


User full name - retrieved when template is evaluated

John Doe


User's email address - retrieved when template is evaluated


Destination of message. Email, slack channel or HipChat room


$context.baseurlBase URL of JIRA installation. Useful for rendering links to issues

An object that contains the following properties: displayName, emailAddress, accountId. Can be used

to customise outgoing email message to contain details about user who is receiving the notification

Hello $context.currentRecipientUser.displayName