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Problem: you need to create a notification based on some event happening to a version in your Jira. Moreover, you also want to show a list of issues related to that specific version.


1) Create a new notification of type "Version ..."  For instance, "Version released".

2) add a JQL that will select the desired subset of the issues of interest in that version. For instance, your JQL could be something like this: 

project = "MFP" and fixVersion = $context.currentVersionID

Note, the placeholder $context.currentVersionID. This value will be automatically populated when Raley is handling a version event based on actual value supplied by Jira.

3) Add some information about the issues. For example:

New version released: <b> $</b> $jirassimo.formatDate($version.userReleaseDate, "dd MMM yyyy")
Issues in the version:</br>
#foreach ($issue in $issues)
$issue.key $issue.fields.summary</br>

4) Test with preview and if desired, Send a test message. Voila!