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When Raley Emails Notifications is about to send an email it will add email headers according to instructions found in Message Template.

There's a definitive guide on Raley helpers in our Using helpers page, but here we'll bring out the most important functions that you can use to fine-tune your email.

All of these functions should be called inside Message Template.

RequirementRaley functionDescription
To set a generic email header
$jirassimo.emailHeader($headerName, $headerValue)
Use it to set arbitrary header in your Email

To override the name that will be shown 

Inbox as email sender


Note, that this may not work for some email providers that prohibit 

overriding of email from name and address. 

To override the email address of sender 
To show chained email conversation Inbox. 

This technique relies on the References header. Raley will look up all the 

emails sent out by any Notification configuration and add their messageID's to References header.

To show chained email conversation Inbox

This is useful to include the very first email (the one that created the JSM request) to the chained Inbox view. 

This email is received by JSM incoming email processor and Raley doesn't know it's MessageID. You should store it's message ID into a custom field and then

do this:  $jirassimo.addToReferencesHeader($issue.fields.customfield_12345)