If you want to show several fields in a single issue as a table or display multiple issues as a table then you need to use tables in HTML markup.
For example, consider a table with multiple issues like this:
Issue key | Summary | Assignee | Deadline |
ABC-1 | Summary 1 | JBeth | 23/02/2015 |
MFP-53 | Summary MFP-53 as it comes from issue | mdodds | 02/05/2016 |
MFP-90 | Another example of issue | 17/03/2016 |
To render it with Raley Notifications use the following code:
<table border="1"> <tr> <td><b>Issue key</b></td> <td><b>Summary</b></td> <td><b>Assignee</b></td> <td><b>Deadline</b></td> </tr> #foreach ($issue in $issues) <tr> <td>$issue.key</td> <td>$issue.fields.summary</td> <td>$!issue.fields.assignee.displayName</td> <td>$!issue.fields.deadline</td> </tr> #end </table>
Note that we use HTML tags to make the text look like a table. If you need more information on HTML ask your webdesigner or refer to https://www.w3schools.com
On lines 13 and 14 we use exclamation mark after the $ to avoid issues when issue has no assignee. As a rule of thumb you should always refer to fields using exclamation mark unless you're 100% sure that the field is always assigned such as key and summary