Q: How to write a template for a scheduled notification that will be sending out issues which are beyond their due date. The notifications should be sent to assignees of the issues and issues
1) Provide a CRON expression that specifies how often the notifications should be sent
2) specify condition that your issues should match again in JQL rule like this:
project in (YOUR_PROJECT_KEY) and or duedate > now()
3) add the following Group By:
This will ensure that issues will be grouped by assignees.
4) Assign remaining notification fields as following:
#foreach ($issue in $issues) $!issue.fields.assignee.emailAddress #end
#foreach ($issue in $issues) #if ($velocityCount == 1) Daily digest of issues In progress, To Do and In Review with past due #end #end
Issues that have past due date <br/><br/> <table border=1> <tr> <th>key</th> <th>summary</th> <th>assignee email</th> <th>Date Created</th> <th>Due Date</th> </tr> #foreach ($issue in $issues) #if ($issue.fields.duedate and $jirassimo.isAfter($context.today, $issue.fields.duedate)) <tr> <td>$issue.key</td> <td>$issue.fields.summary</td> <td>$!issue.fields.assignee.emailAddress</td> <td>$!issue.fields.created</td> <td>$!issue.fields.duedate</td> </tr> #end #end </table> <br> <br> Issues that are In Progress but have not reached their due date yet<br/><br/> <table border=1> <tr> <th>key</th> <th>summary</th> <th>assignee email</th> <th>Date Created</th> <th>Due Date</th> <th>Status</th> </tr> #foreach ($issue in $issues) #if ($issue.fields.status.name == "In Progress" and $issue.fields.duedate and !$jirassimo.isAfter($context.today, $issue.fields.duedate)) <tr> <td>$issue.key</td> <td>$issue.fields.summary</td> <td>$!issue.fields.assignee.emailAddress</td> <td>$!issue.fields.created</td> <td>$!issue.fields.duedate</td> <td>$issue.fields.status.name</td> </tr> #end #end </table>